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Old 26 February 2021, 12:28 AM   #69
Join Date: Jul 2019
Location: USA
Posts: 327
Originally Posted by AK797 View Post
I equate SM as being like one big high school, where superficial things like good looks, being cool and having expensive material items like cars and clothes are the most important thing, I suppose we grow out of this as we mature but SM is still in its infancy and teenage years so this is not going away any time soon.

Thus I feel lucky to have skipped this eternal high school mentality, but do feel sorry for those in their twenties/thirties who can't ever leave this Hotel California it seems.

It truly is sad and people think that what they see on social media is reality. There is a YouTuber that ive seen who posts a bunch about cars. He made a video about how he bought a Bugatti.

Now to me, if Im buying a Bugatti, a million dollar car, that means I have a net worth north of 20 million and more than 10 million liquid. MINIMUM. Anything less, are you nuts spending so much of your net worth on a depreciating asset?

Well- to his credit he shares how he had to buy the Bugatti and finance it and he put 500k down and financed the rest. His statement that still rings true in my ears - "If I put anymore down, I would have been wiped out with no cash left at all"

Seriously?? You just bought a Bugatti and pretty much wiped out your nest egg? I guess the video views will give him cash flow but there in a nutshell is social media. Look at all I have to show you- just dont look behind the curtain.
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