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Old 3 April 2021, 12:57 AM   #27
Robert Bruce
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Toronto Canada
Posts: 244
Originally Posted by nsguy View Post
You keep suggesting you would have to make "another appointment", when in fact, you didn't have an appointment to begin with. It was nice of them to accomodate you so close to closing time, not even considering the fact we're in a global pandemic. In addition, Bob's is a primarily online business, and it's possible, perhaps even likely, they aren't fully staffed in their brick & motor location because of the pandemic. Most sales associates are likely working remotely when possible and only coming in when they need to handle merchandise.

Also, there's no reason to believe there's anything wrong with the two watches they showed you. Older Submariners are notorious for requiring extra force to move the bezels, especially when compared to anything newer than 1990. Many people familiar with only modern Rolex are surprised when trying to handle older watches. And the GMT was likely fine as well. Not all Rolexes wind as smoothly as modern ones.

Overall you're trying pretty hard to pull the victim card for who knows what reason, when in reality you showed up to a business with no appointment, an hour before closing, during the largest global pandemic our generation has seen, and asked to see maybe $100,000+ in inventory with no visible intention (as you noted yourself) on buying anything.

This take is almost as bad as that other forum poster complaining about having to wait in line at the Apple store. This may be a good time to reassess what matters in life and focus on actual problems instead of trying to create drama for yourself.
Do you work for Bob's?
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