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Old 12 June 2021, 04:03 AM   #579
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Originally Posted by lanteanflux View Post
Can you actually get a CO for CB? Maybe only in the last week if the CB spike is real and CO has not budged? Which is unlikely. I’d happily swap my CB into a CO if I’m wrong though.

And I never understand when people say something is not worth X if multiple people are willing to pay that amount. That is literally the definition of market value. Just because you yourself wouldn’t pay X doesn’t mean it’s not worth X...

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Interesting scenario. In recent months I’ve asked myself the question if I’d be willing to trade my CB for a CO, with the likelihood that I could never get my hands on another CB. My answer continues to be “no.” As much as I really like the CO, I just love to wear my CB.

If you’ve been collecting watches for a while, one of those rare things that you learn to pay attention to is when you feel a certain unmistakable enjoyment every time you wear a certain watch. For me, the CB is that watch. I’ve experienced enough infatuations with other watches that I bought (or almost bought), only to fade away. I’m pretty certain that if I ever sold or traded my CB I would most likely never be able to get another one.

It’s fun to see the crazy market prices, but a part of me wishes this distraction would all go away so I can just enjoy my watch.
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