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Old 11 July 2021, 03:46 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by GB-man View Post
Hmm never had any issues and my back is crooked as hell lol but fair enough.
Have to say I concur, but I’m not a tall person. Heard this is an issue more so for Tacos and even worse in Wranglers. I definitely noticed my knees were higher when testing a Rubicon. I took a round trip TX-NY in my 4R-Pro and it was awesome on the road. If I was forced to complain about something, it would just be lack of power, but that’s being really picky and only when at highway speeds.
Toyota’s like the 4Runner and LC are not for luxury seekers, amenities, power and great gas mileage, they’re for people who want a super cool reliable mall mobile or people who want a go anywhere durable last forever truck.

I’m in the minority of people who really appreciate simplicity and boring basic functions. Real buttons, analog gauges, no searching through menus to activate or use things. Had tech vehicles with huds, lux heat/cooled seats, all kinds of digital settings….I much prefer the get in and go interior of the 4Runner, real buttons for things are a must for me. But you have to appreciate that, if you like leather, settings and mix appeal, no Toyota will really do. Even the LX570 is pretty behind on interiors.

The Defender is the opposite, everything is controlled by menus and and screens. That can be a huge pita if you use those functions often.
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