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Old 20 July 2021, 12:21 AM   #28
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Jersey
Posts: 93
Originally Posted by Wahlberg View Post
How did you discover it was from the Ming dynasty, so that's a $$.$$$ amount museum piece?
I got into the Asian (Chinese) market a couple years after the 2008 economic crisis. Antiques and fine art from Europa took a downturn shortly after the crisis and the only thing that was moving upward then was Asian works of art. So, with a lot of studying, trial/error, I was able to "train my eye" for the what is and what isn't within that field. I'm no expert by any means, but I know enough to move me ahead of most other "pickers".

I was offered four-figures for the bronze figure, but turned it down. One can almost always make some sort of cash, but figures such as the one here don't always come to the block so to speak. I was also offered four-figures for that silver ring (it use to belong to the dudes father linked below) by an antiquities dealer, but turned that down as well (low-baller). Sadly, the former owner(s) had no idea what it was and polished the thing to deaf to make it look all pretty and shiny. Now, it's sitting in the safe deposit box hoping to regain its thousands of years of patina back :)

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