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Old 21 July 2021, 02:43 AM   #67
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Originally Posted by texasmade View Post
People like to say this but this isn't really going to happen in Olympic WL since the weight classes will level it out. In order for a male to transition to female and a lower weight class, they'll have to trim a huge amount of muscle. Male bone and organ structures are naturally larger than females and the only offset to make weight would be through less muscle.

On the 87 kg+ weight category, a transitioned male can eventually rule the female category but it's still a long way off. Laura Hubbard's best in competition total is around 285kg. The #1 female lifter in the same category is Li Wenwen. Her best in competition total is around 335kg. That's nearly 100lb difference that still needs to be made up.

Track and field though is a totally different story where transitioned males to female can dominate female events since there aren't any weight classes leveling performance.
AND gender is not written in stone, it's a spectrum.

Not to get too carried away on this but lesbians in sports have often had an edge over other women. In tennis, in swimming etc etc. Ever seen a "girls" adult level softball team or hockey team. Some of those women are as strong as men.

I remember the Russian and East German "womens' athletes that used to compete in the Olympics. There were definitely some hormones and 'chemistry' at work there. There were later stories of how some of them died young or had serious issues due to the hormone "treatments".

This is going to be an ongoing issue that will need to be dealt with somehow. Both women and men are on a spectrum of how much muscle they can put on and what sports they can and do excel in
and the new issue of trans people are going to have to be addressed some how. Life is messy.

That's what is so great about a lot of team sports, is that all types of body types can usually play and find a niche. The biggest and strongest and tallest is not always the preferred body style for every position.
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