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Old 18 August 2021, 10:05 PM   #1773
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Originally Posted by xrole View Post you work in McDonalds? Because this thread is clearly (see the title) about wearing it where you work, not where you go out for dining and entertainment whee low-paid workers may happen to be. I mean seriously, yeesh if you couldn't get that rather obvious context.

And of course yes I was being specific with the example of managing and/or being around very badly paid staff at your workplace all day because it a relevant example of where wearing overt displays of wealth could be considered crass.

Yup, you have a lack of empathy.

See it’s difficult. Because let’s say the boss does not wear their Rolex to work, just to try to be “empathic” then should they not take the Benz to work and get a modest car, and what then about their house or vacations, their spouses jewelry, etc. I’m not saying I have any answers but your points bring up questions for me. I struggle too with the “justice” of wearing a 10-12k watch in a world with so much inequality. I mean even if the boss pretends to live modestly, I mean the workers know what’s up. I mean look at bizos, going to space on tv while his workers feel they should be paid better. Is living well in any capacity flaunting ones privilege. What about being fit and working with people out of shape, or being able to walk and run while working in geriatrics is that rubbing it in their face? Or does this only apply to money matters? Not sure where I am going with this but some free associations lol.
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