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Old 26 September 2021, 05:32 AM   #44
"TRF" Member
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Let me see if I have this straight.

You want a forum full of people who are frustrated because they can't get a Rolex at list from an AD to boycott Rolex in solidarity with a guy....

....who is buying up loads of Rolexes from a single AD and selling them on to his family and friends....?


Originally Posted by ShougekiMaru View Post
This is just too much: the way Rolex is treating all the AD’d and us, the customers, is not acceptable.
My long time friend in Europe has been buying like over twenty or so (mainly Rolexes) from one AD over the years. We are talking some serious money: tens of thousands of USD/EUR. He has been also giving watches as presents to people close to him and has helped friends to get their dream watch, list price.
Rolex has been scaring the sh** out of the AD in the last two years in similar ways as we’ve been reading other stories on this forum and watching vids over YouTube: ”you will loose your privilege to sell Rolex watches if any of your clients is flipping hot models…” and all these new rules: ”from now on: only two watches /year /client…”
This AD wrote an email to my friend where they said that they can’t no longer sell Rolex watches to my friend, because he has been buying too many watches from them. What a joke!!! I did see the email and it was hilarious: the AD said that they are afraid of loosing their licence to sell Rolexes, and that my friend has been over the top with his purchases. The tone of the email was nasty and the AD blamed one of his best customers trying to ruin AD’s business. That my friend has been too greed buying all these watches.
My friend has been all the time very open and honest if he’s been buying into his own collection or to his spouse or friend or child. No flipping.
First the AD agreed to sell very willingly and now they are blaming their top client buying too much.
Rolex managed to create fears into the AD’s mind and the AD acted out like a scary child.
And then this silly recent Rolex statement, where this non-profit company lies to us…
All this sh** around the buying experience has ruined the brand called Rolex.
I won’t participate any longer into this R-sh**.
I flipped my Sky-D, I will keep only my D Blue—but not because of the brand, but because of the story of Cameron’s diving.
I bought a new Omega—no longer Rolexes for me.
Rolex can kiss my skinny… you know.
Please share your own bad experiences and join into my boycott.

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