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Old 1 October 2021, 02:47 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by overdraft View Post
Seriously? A couple of people floated the caveat that the dealer may damage it, which is an interesting perspective that I will take onboard before making any kind of a decision, however I had not said anything about what I intended to do…
The vast majority of the responses fall under 1. Why they wouldn’t care, 2. I should just enjoy my watch, and 3. operation outside the advertised specs is unimportant.
However I wasn’t asking people’s thoughts on whether they would send it to be adjusted, I was asking if it the dealer would adjust it for that small an amount outside spec.
Regardless, thanks for the responses and the interesting chatter!
PS. I love my watch. I thought i would prefer it over my old 114060 and I do.
OK. My thoughts? A good technician/watchmaker should be able to regulate it without screwing up your watch or scratching it. It's not rocket science but it does require someone who cares about it and knows what they doing. Rolex regulation is both particular and straightforward although each movement is it's own thing due to the mechanical nature and will have a range in which it performs best. And a careful watchmaker will not scratch it.

Having a slow watch would drive me nuts since adjusting it is a lot more flddly than simply hacking it. Which I suppose is why most watches are regulated to run a bit fast.
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