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Old 27 November 2021, 10:54 AM   #30
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The Metaverse Question

Originally Posted by MikeMWatchFan View Post
I reject the metaverse. I’m pretty close to deleting Facebook. Anyone else delete Facebook? What’s life like without it?

I can’t stand Zuckerberg and the desire for us all to live further in a virtual world. I already work from home and am on a screen all day. My wife and I talk everyday about how we need less screen time and need to be present in the moment in reality much more.

I will own Rolex watches and manual transmission cars until I’m dead. Screw apple watches, EVs, and the metaverse.

Lol, I deleted FB and the other social media platforms like 7 yrs ago. Life is great without it. Initially you find yourself trying to go back on out of habit but that’s gone within a week. Best digital decision I’ve ever made, don’t understand why anyone over 30 is even on it. If there is people I want to talk to I reach out to them, I don’t need to be in tune with everything they do as they don’t need to know everything I do either.

My old lady has yet to dump it but she realizes she’s sat on the couch and wasted an hour going down some rabbit hole that turns out to either be BS or piss her off and she always gets done with that hour feeling worse than when she started.

My only social media now is TRF and if it gets to the point it’s as invasive and toxic as the rest then it will get deleted too.

However, if there’s money to be made in this decentraland I’m not opposed to making money. Buy some digital crap and hold it for a while until/if it goes up in value and cash the check.

Sent from my Apple privacy invasion product lo
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