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Old 3 December 2021, 04:38 AM   #92
"TRF" Member
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Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Beverly Hills, CA
Watch: Yachtmaster
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I used to wear my Rolex to the gym, but I don’t any more because I don’t like exercising with my wristwatch on. I don’t like the feeling on my wrist, it makes me limit my range of motion (eg with push ups, etc.), and I don’t like the feel of getting sweaty with my SS bracelet (yes, I know it can be washed, and I do clean it regularly). I don’t wear any watch to the gym.

I keep my watch locked up in my safe at home when I’m at the gym. If I’m on the road and I go to a hotel gym, I use the hotel room’s safe. I suppose if I found myself in a hotel room without a safe, I’d wear my watch to the gym, because it is safer than sitting on the counter in a hotel room. I never go to the gym straight from work, because I wear dress clothes and makeup, and I don’t work out wearing makeup. Men don’t have that issue (I don’t think my assumption that the men of TRF don’t wear foundation and eye makeup to work is controversial), and do go to the gym from work. If that were the case, I’d lock my watch in my car’s glovebox. I would never put my Rolex in a gym locker.
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