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Old 10 December 2021, 01:00 PM   #1
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Sep 2020
Location: USA
Posts: 9
Incoming!!! Wow!

I purchased a Sub Date from my AD a little over a year ago and brought up casually at the time that I was in the market for a GMT as well. Over the next few months I would stop by periodically to chat with the assumption that he remembered what I wanted as my next piece but never explicitly brought it up. About two weeks ago, I dropped by again and we had our usual banter, and he asked me if there was a particular piece I was looking for as I hadn't asked for anything the last few trips. When I reminded him of the GMT on Oyster, he hinted that he may have something available and that I shouldn't take any distant trips in the next few days.

A few days later, I called him to see if there was an update, and he apologized saying that the client who a BLNR had been allocated to picked it up last minute though I was "next in line". Given today's Rolex climate I wasn't expecting much.

4 days after that conversation, I got another text: not for a BLNR but for BLRO. Needless to say I am ecstatic!
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