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Old 24 December 2021, 09:25 AM   #39
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Sep 2020
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Posts: 445
Originally Posted by AperolSpritz View Post
Over the last 18 months, I refused 3 hot pieces:
- Skeleton rose gold
- White ceramic QP
- Skeleton steel

I had the cash to buy them. All in all we are talking c.$230k MSRP vs. c.$700k grey.
Take out grey premium. Probably could have sold these for c.550k to grey so making 300k profits.

Well I didn't. I am waiting for my skeleton ceramic and 50y RO specials that are coming my way.

Call me an idiot I don't care. But been buying AP since the days you were losing money on them and will continue to. An the guys know that...
If you could have taken all 3 and got your openwork ceramic then you would have done so. The point is you gave up 3 watches in order to stay on the list of one far more rare and more valuable than all 3 you listed.

I would have done the same thing as you lol. Most people would have. Your one watch purchase will net you more profit by your calculations than all 3 of those you mentioned. So even a pure flipper would be stupid to take the 3 you mentioned and forego the openwork ceramic. You aren't an idiot. You are actually doing a very smart move financially. Don't convince us you are losing money. You made more in profit from one watch than any money you could have lost over the years. You are ahead of the game.
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