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Old 18 April 2022, 08:17 PM   #11
"TRF" Member
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Join Date: Jan 2022
Real Name: Paul
Location: Cantabrigia - G.B
Watch: ing the detectives
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I can't get why this would have even been a fake-worthy piece !! in say 2016 the 16800 was £4k and a 168000 was same 4k ish - even now there is next to no discernible difference in value of a white gold 16800 and a 168000, the serial numbers are correct for a 168000 of course and getting the correct RB case back would have cost £700-800 to bring to the party of faking the model! If it was faking a 6536/1 to a 6536 or other significantly higher value watches eg putting a matte dial in a 8.7million 16800 (which adds 25-30% to value) - but this 16800-168000 fakery would just be a collosal futile gesture par excellence !
Paranoia is in bloom
The PR transmissions will resume
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down
And hope that we will never see the truth around
Uprising - MUSE
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