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Old 25 April 2022, 02:17 AM   #176
Join Date: Nov 2006
Real Name: Nick
Location: FL
Posts: 767
Originally Posted by S`` View Post
1.) I did list an entire video worth of rejected models. I stated specifically about someone dropping in and was outright rejected of an unknown model, likely a 6 digit.

2.) If the best rebuttal you could come up with is that I am getting "defensive" re-read my entire summary. Show me where I had embellished any details of the exact video you quoted. I even went further to show You that one month ago CRM went on a patek purchasing spree worth $2m (their own words, not mine)... So financially they might be in a different spot than other dealers.

3.) I could say the same of you, why are you getting defensive and moving goal posts to what models should be a barometer to a "healthy market"... If things aren't moving, shouldn't one expect a 100k JM Daytona to drop in price 50% and for CRM to tell that particular client to "fly a kite" without quoting a range of outcome??? While no one knows what might happen in their life next week... I'd take your other side of the trade if you are looking for a 50% haircut...

4.) Instead of 2016, why not quote 2014? 2015? Things were more dire then, Chinese was cracking down on watches as "gifts" and prices were dropping like a rock...

5.) I love the price appreciation, I am not some whale unlike 99% of the folks here... I am fine and content with not being able to add watches or be buying lower end brands like Oris for my daily wear... Does that not make me a watch lover???
Dude, you need to go back and re-read the two posts you quoted that started this argument. You have me confused with the other poster. My original post was simply this, and it was purely speculative:

"And in that same episode, you see people calling who have not even received the watch from the AD yet and already looking to flip it. Maybe some of those will pass when they get the call..."

The other poster said greys weren't buying anymore, not me. Having said that, I do see evidence in the video to support his argument. You clearly disagree. All good, no need for us to keep debating it, we can agree to disagree and see what happens over time.

Last edited by rolex16; 25 April 2022 at 02:17 AM.. Reason: added quotes for clarity
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