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Old 7 July 2022, 09:02 AM   #53
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Originally Posted by bluestreak View Post
Except the catalyst for failing prices is the collapse of the world economy. It’s shocking how many people seem giddy at this because it means it will be easier to get a watch.
i (and a few others) got flamed for saying the economy would have to collapse 2008 style for watches to come down in price (to msrp) when everyone was begging and cheering for them to come down to msrp. someone even wrote a giant condescending paragraph using a thesaurus for half of it. we are

ironically it aged terribly while attempting to be a smartass and because i'm petty i dug it up lol :

Originally Posted by kirth
It borders on grandiosity to stipulate that a global economic meltdown is necessary for the Rolex market to suffer. Worse still to portray someone who would like to see prices dip below the stratosphere as a supervillain or sociopath. Wanting a Rolex is not an inclination toward eschatology.

The logic of the narrative goes something like this:
The Rolex market can’t return to an approximation of MSRP unless the economy collapses.
You want Rolexes to come down in price; therefore, you want the economy to crash.
In conclusion, you want people to lose their houses, eat rats, and die of scurvy.

Of course, none of the above is true. To elevate watches as an asset class to such Icarian heights is pure hubris, plain and simple.
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