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Old 13 October 2006, 02:45 AM   #10
"TRF" Member
Join Date: May 2006
Real Name: Justin
Location: Manchester, UK.
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Yes these people are stupid but they really don't know any better. Its just lack of knowledge.

Like that legendary idiot, I think it was in California, that purchased a PC and found the screen was blank when he tried to use it. He rang the store and complained. The salesman asked him first if it was plugged in to the mains. "What you have to plug it into the power?" was his reply.

And of course the salesman said "Sir, what you need to do is box it up and bring it back to the store for a refund as you are clearly unfit to own such an item"..

When I worked in retail I had a moron come in and kick off at me because he said the remote control I supplied him with his new TV was different to the one in the instruction booklet. "This one is missing all these buttons!" he screamed as he prodded the instruction manual.

I then took the remote control off him and pulled down the access panel on it to show him the buttons..

He was saying sorry for about 10 minutes afterwards.
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