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Old 2 September 2022, 11:59 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by HiBoost View Post
Assuming those are your pics it seems you have definitely found the correct answer - both ;)

Here is another dilemma, perhaps one you specifically can help with. Your gray suede strap shows how versatile the white gold 6119 can be. And something about the Lange seems more casual to begin with, even in rose gold. But my issue is that I'm really drawn to the rose gold 6119. If you could only have one, and it had to be rose gold, would you still go for the 6119? Or is it only the white gold 6119 which you feel could stand alone?
Yes, that is my arm and those are my pictures :-)

Do you mean RG in either form of the 6119 or the 1815 Lange? The 6119R is, for me, a little less dynamic (in the sense that the dial doesn’t so much change in different lighting — and why I went with 6119G in the first place). You’re right; the Lange feels more casual while the PP feels more dressy. But I also feel it is easier to dress down the 6119 than dress up the Lange.

So for me; 6119G, 6119R then 1815.

Instagram: @itsjw0n
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