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Old 29 September 2022, 08:40 AM   #55
"TRF" Member
Join Date: Aug 2016
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Originally Posted by dmash View Post
I agree that pretty soon they have to start liquidated some inventory. Obviously not all, but at a certain point every smart business owner takes a loss and gets it over with than a constant leeching of money with the outlook progressively getting worse.

A luxury timepiece that *maintained* MSRP was historically a fantastic purchase (from a price perspective). Anybody who has actually been into watches for longer than 5 years knows this. I’d be absolutely thrilled if I pickup my ROC and it maintains its value long term. But again, to me, I honestly don’t even care. Anybody buying modern watches for a part of their ‘investment portfolio’ is incredibly ill informed and should speak to a financial advisor.

I believe the higher end brands have redeveloped their marketing/production strategy to where we never get back to 2016 discounts, I think everything shakes out around MSRP. But this is 100% the ideal situation every TRUE watch guy/gal should hope for. 1- your purchase doesn’t fall off a cliff (like Lange of old) and 2- there’s no grey market premium so every single flipper has zero incentive to ever be on a list.
This lines up with FHB said recently (that AP's goal is to make sure their pieces do not lose 50% of their value once you buy it). It didn't seem they were concerned about making sure their pieces exceed MSRP on the open market. This would also explain the aggressive price hikes.
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