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Old 3 October 2022, 03:57 AM   #110
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by Vince_76 View Post
You got it all wrong. Why have you not responded to any of my claims/numbers? You keep throwing out baseless data and comparisons. Myself and others have clearly provided tangible numbers that the market continues to drop, and you say let’s revisit the conversation. LOL can’t make this up.

Comparing the housing market to watches is asinine on a number of levels. The former is beholden to interest rates, residual land values, and is the largest investment a typical family will make. The latter provides no intrinsic value (rather propped up by perceived value) and is by definition a luxury good that will be the first on the chopping block when disposable income/savings thin out. Again, exceptional circumstances caused this run up in watch prices, and it is more likely than not that watch prices will revert to the mean.

The art market cannot be compared to the watch market either. ROs and Rolexes are mass produced compared to limited run/ 1-of-1 pieces. Moreover, there is an extensive precedent of art as an investment. For watches, it’s just literally a couple years. You think it’s a coincidence that it coincided with historically low interest rates, record savings, and helicopter money?
You argue like a dinosaur unable to accept how the world is changing. What numbers do you want me to comment on? You have not provided an evidence to back your numbers up, same as you want to back mine. Interest rates have been "historically low" for over 10 years. That's a dumb thing to add in there. Record savings and helicopter money sure. But, regardless of what caused the catalyst the outcome is here to stay. It's not because of any of those. It's simply social media. Social media has changed the game for the watch market.
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