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Old 19 October 2022, 09:34 AM   #134
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Originally Posted by SDGT3 View Post
my fault for not typing subtitles. I presumed you would have read the article and garnered that these were people not affected by money decisions but rather left because of the state of the state/lifestyle.

Lots of celebs choose to live elsewhere for a multitude of reasons. They are constantly harassed by paparazzi where ever they go, and once they have kids they actually fear for their safety. Many have stalkers and mentally ill people looking for them. There’s a lot of really sick people out there. There are actually companies they have to hire that track stalkers and monitor them.

Even idiots and fans in restaurants will bother them as well in stores and on the street.

They can move elsewhere and most people will respect their privacy and leave them and their kids alone to allow them to bring their kids up as normal as possible. There are lots of horror stories of actors kids turning out real badly by living in the celeb culture of LA.

Lots of actors live in NY as well since there is also work there.

There is nothing new here, unless you're constantly seeking attention like Kardashians, actors have been living outside the bubble for decades.
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