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Old 24 October 2022, 04:45 AM   #164
"TRF" Member
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Regarding your last sentence: GOOD for you.
Originally Posted by Tri-Tip View Post
Everyplace has it's issues. Politics, Cost of Living, Weather, etc. We all need to find the place that works for each of us.

I golf with someone who can't wait to move from So. Cal. to South Carolina. He's just waiting for his mom to pass (he and his brother take care of her). He's retired, but works at Lowes as he does not want to dip into his savings at 64 years old. He was just telling me yesterday, that the same clerk position that pays $20/hour in CA, pays $9/hour in South Carolina. Making him rethink the move as he is realizing that although cost of living is lower, so are wages. He does not have a huge nest egg (maybe $500K) and will need to continue to work for money to live on, it's not like he can take $3MM in savings and live like a king in a less expensive area.

I also know people who have already moved from Southern California to lower cost areas. They seem to be younger families or single people that are homebodies (for lack of a better term) and don't take advantage of the varied activities, dining, nightlife that we have here, so living in a small town in rural Texas, Oklahoma, Tennessee where the cost of living is very low won't bother them.

I just can't see leaving my family and friends and starting life over in another state.
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