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Old 13 November 2022, 09:17 AM   #110
Join Date: Sep 2015
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Originally Posted by bay_area_kid View Post
That is very helpful, thank you! That info about escrow service within Moda is a game changer. I wish that was mentioned earlier and could've saved us a lot of time and misunderstanding.

However, it looks like you still have to do the vetting and due diligence yourself. Which makes sense because it's still a wholesale platform in general, the slight twist is that it is also open to non-dealers if you are willing to do the work.

This lines up with my original claim that getting a mint 126610LN for $12k is possible only via wholesaler group (which can be open to non-wholesaler people with added caveats + escrow).

But for the rest of the people who have a lower risk tolerance and/or don't want to go through the hoops of vetting and due diligence, the best way is still trusted sellers in the secondary retail market. You pay extra for the added convenience and security, which for some people is worth it.
AT moda, who has a group expert or conversation starter tags are the legits and vetted. they have 126610ln for 12-12.7k. Doing due diligence is not that hard. all you have to do is ask for reference check and people will back it up with their own money. its not like will cost you a lot of time or any money at all. And escrow service is on 1% fee.
At moda, most of the people that post watches for sale are the ones are legit and vetted but you can still do reference check.

Im no dealer but neve rhad problems with it and they never treated me any different.

And like i said before, it doesnt matter what platform you use, you still have to do your own diligence. But if your willing to pay 17k fpr 126610ln from a truzted seller by all means go for it. But i wont, knowing i could buy one of the same watch at 12k which is a 5k savings. And even if you used escrow service, you wont even reach the total of 17k.

At moda, once you scammed or didnt buy a watch and you marked it sold, your OUT!
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