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Old 15 April 2023, 05:26 PM   #3923
"TRF" Member
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Originally Posted by CedCraig View Post
My understanding is that the Chronergy escapement has longer but thinner pallets. Could it be that the pallets are too thin to remain adequately lubricated? Or that the interaction between the thin pallets and the stubby “club feet” on the escape wheel results in more wear and tear on the lubricants?

I’d also like to echo thanks to the good folks here keeping up on this issue and to the people posting relevant and useful information.
But that is why Rolex in its lubrication guidance, suggests to lubricate the escapement club tooth insteas of the rubies (to my understanding). I'll double check today to confirm.

to Saxo3: before my trip to Rome the watch suddenly started losing time (first -0.5 s/d average, and then -4 s/d). Hadn't knocked the timepiece nor changed my wearing habits. It just started run erratic. I had the watch brought in to the Rolex certified watchmaker in Rome during my trip.

They first checked how the watch was performing (I'm sure they were very well aware of the issues as this was the first thing they asked), and then he proceeded regulating it.

Yesterday I asked my local watchmaker to put the watch on the timegrapher and this are the results (fully wound):

They have the same account of new factory watches coming with the issue. Still no clue as to why some develop it immediatly while others take more time. And still no clue as to where the issue lies. To be honest, could be that some of the parts might have been machined with the wrong tolerances and this brings the unusual wear.

Bas is probably the only one that can see the scale of this, and that can touch with hand the possible solution (when available)
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