Thread: Prostate Cancer
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Old 11 May 2023, 12:35 AM   #17
"TRF" Member
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Dave, very sorry after your most recent update after having followed this and your earlier "ring the bell" thread.

Not much I can add to what others who are more eloquent in these matters have said already. Just this, when a mate of mine came down with cancer with a prognosis of just months, he started to live according to "what was best for him on any given day", and, unlike before, worried not so much about the rest of us. As we visited him when he was in palliative care he had to be artificially fed and matters looked grim. Yet he got out of the hospital again and we had a blast going on our regular island-hopping flying trip to the North Sea and a road trip to Switzerland earlier.

In the end he had nearly 4 years rather than just months left and he had clearly made the most of it.

Hoping that there will be some slightly better days for you ahead!
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