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Old 13 July 2023, 12:28 AM   #118
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Bummer of a first experience, OP. Genuinely curious how this shakes out for you, good luck.

Originally Posted by LewisDouglas View Post
I really appreciate all of the advice and support on this thread.
Thanks so much everyone, feel very welcomed into your community.

If I'm being 100% transparent, it's really not about the money anymore.
I'm 27 and have been working my ass off for the past 3 years upscaling my own businesses and I finally found myself breaking through some new financial ceilings and so naturally I figured it was about time I get my first Rolex. Something I have dreamed of for a long time.

I entered an AD, and began the process but my impatience took over and I began searching for dealers here in the UK - And found Trotters.

I found my dream watch for where I am currently in my life, my entry point - A black dial DJ for near enough £12k.

I can't tell you the sense of accomplishment I felt when leaving the store with this thing on my wrist, I can't express in writing how it felt to have all my blood, sweat and tears from the last 5 years manifested into this one single item that will literally mark time with me, that I would keep forever, and not only that, it will serve me as a motivator, and a fuel to break even more ceilings in the future, to keep pushing.
- In other words, While a saw great beauty in my new watch I could feel an immediate bond.

However, to later discover these problems with the watch, it feels more than just disheartening. Now I find myself in a place where the refund isn't the most important part, I feel like saying F**k the money. It's the experience, the sentiment that is now all tarnished. When I look down at my watch now, I still feel great accomplishment, I feel proud, I see great beauty, and I love this watch... But all is peppered with a disappointment, a niggle that something isn't right.

Trotters want to "Change the hands" and "Fix it" for me.

Do I perhaps just go with this? Keep the watch, but write a new thread warning people of their BS. Will all of this just be a story I carry with me and my new companion? A blimp in a lifetime of adventures we share together? Or am I being overly poetic?

I don't care about Trotters, I don't care about the money, per se.

I just want my watch, and i want to love it.
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