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Old 28 July 2023, 03:02 AM   #33
"TRF" Member
SOG DIVER's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2019
Real Name: LtCol R
Location: Mtns-NM-MT
Watch: 1680Red-551214060M
Posts: 241
There are now dive computers combined with buoyancy compensators (BCs). But
a diver ALWAYS needs to watch his elapsed time and depth. Bounce dives allow a short deep dive and then back up, helps decompression time.

Blancpain and Rolex had the first quality dive watches. My oldest Submariner is a 1960
5512 reference that introduced crown guards; this watch has pointed crown guards.
I have owned a 1969 red 1680 Submariner for 49 years. As a first Rolex, it has been a hallmark for tough durable tool watch service. Many dives and parachute operations.
My Submariners now will remain as either vintage or discontinued models.
A drilled lug set on your watch allows a NATO band to be used in really hard watch use, where a lost spring bar means a lost watch. Keep a NATO handy.

So-what was Rolex thinking with the "new" references, without drilled lugs? Read Paul Altieri's "Last of the Best" for part of the answer.
At any rate, a view of the Rolex watches For Sale" portion of this forum shows precious few vintage or discontinued models for sale. We are passing into a different era.
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