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Old 11 August 2009, 03:55 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by BigHat View Post
Thanks for the support Howard.

I very much value your opinion on watches and that you've been favorably impressed after hands on exposure pretty much put me over the top.

Thanks much !!

I suspect that you're like me -- when I quickly skim through a watch magazine before studying it, I have the "Hmm, that's okay"; "That's pretty nice"; "Wouldn't mind having that" kind of thoughts, but rarely do I have the "Holy crap, I have to look into this one !!" Realize many won't feel that way about this piece, but it's a very strong "smiles at you" to me.

Really, last time I felt like that was after reading the WT article on the PAM 233 in the summer of 2006. I love all my Rolex watches, but I've bought them since then ( and the VC OS).

This definitely won't be a day-to-day watch, but it fills a gap in my watches that I've been thinking about for awhile.
Thank you, Matt. The Montauk happens to be my wife's favorite LE as well.

You've described my watch magazine perusal habits to a T. I really liked the Rodeo Drive LE (see below), but the Montauk's addition of brown is another step up, IMO. Some found the Rodeo Drive LE to be too effeminate, but they sold out right away.

Honestly, there are only a couple I don't like that much. I love the Volcano, the Safari, the Navy, etc...but with your collection, the Montauk adds (to use my wife's description) the "perfect balance of spice and elegance".

This is the Rodeo Drive edition, which was sold at Westime in LA (not my images):

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