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Old 5 February 2024, 08:12 PM   #1
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Bi-metal and precious metal owners - wearing habits

Hi all.

I have recently purchased a bi-metal DJ. I absolutely love it to bits, but it is quite flashy.

I live in London, which is generally quite safe. There have been some well publicised watch gang thefts, although the police are finally doing something about them, and have had some success, estimating that more then half the gangs have been arrested following ongoing sting type exercises.

I would love to know what your habits are. For me, I am happy wearing the watch anywhere with longs sleeves. Not necessary a short shirt, could just be a coat or cardigan. I was happy to wear the watch with a t-shirt in a posh hotel bar, or other bar. I am also happy to wear in a more upmarket club or sports centre with a t-shirt.

I might be reticent wearing this with a t-shirt around general London in summer, although I haven't got there yet. I also don't intent to swim with it, although I also don't swim even with some of my Seikos :) I am in two minds about taking it on holiday. I guess it depends on the place.

Some questions for you guys:
1. Do you wear this watch as a daily wearer, or in a daily wearer rotation ?
2. Do/would you wear this watch on holiday and/or when travelling ?
3. Are you happy wearing with a t-shirt in public places ?
4. Are you happy wearing with a t-shirt on the beach ?
5. Are you happy wearing with a t-shirt in a pub ?
6. Are you happy wearing with a t-shirt in a hotel ?
7. Are you happy wearing out and about generally with a long sleeve/coat, etc. ?
8. Do you wear when swimming ?
9. Do you wear when doing active sports (e.g. skiing) ?
10. Are you as happy at night and at day ?

Any comments would be very interesting. Also if you note where you live.
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