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Old 12 February 2024, 08:59 AM   #19
Dan S
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I like the watch and I think that it's honest. I also understand that the seller is well-respected and probably has many friends on the forum. But I don't think that's the question.

I am wondering if some people in this thread are interpreting the question differently than others. And maybe the word "unpolished" has taken on a new meaning. Some people are apparently using "unpolished" to indicate that the case retains its general original shape. But that's not how I interpret the term, and maybe that's why it bothers me. "Insane," "crazy," "unpolished," "pumpkin," "all-original," "NOS," "minty" ... give me a break. And then when things are obviously wrong, they're not mentioned. For goodness sake, we're selling and buying 5-figure items, let's be adults.

I would only call a watch unpolished if it showed no signs of previous polishing using a buffing wheel. I understand that it's uncommon that a watch would be truly unpolished, but I personally feel that the term should be reserved for those rare occasions. Looking at the lugs and bezel ring of the OP watch, I'd never make that claim.
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