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Old 16 February 2024, 05:27 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by ShamRockNRoll View Post
Well I don't want to oversell it, I didn't get a hard timeline on the specific pieces I inquired about, but I've been to 2 other AD's in the Philly area a few times and my interactions there started as friendly & extremely vague, to just kind of dismissive and clearly not interested in any level of transparency about my chances of ever acquiring anything from them.

This associate at Bucherer actually explained some of the demand/supply issues. Shared that they just stopped running a list for Daytonas a few years ago when they had over 16,000 people on it. One of the pieces I inquired about was a pepsi, being ready to be shown the door, and he shared that Rolex just announced a few weeks ago that they will begin automating the bezel production which should help with supply and actually sounded encouraged that they will get them more frequently because of that. (Now, I've tried googling to find confirmation of this and don't see anything, but considering Bucherer is now owned by Rolex, I am assuming they didn't just make this up). He was still was very honest that it would be hard to get, but encouraged me to place my interest with them and noted that my desire for oyster over jubilee may actually help my case as most of the requests are jubilee specific.

I just found the person to be much friendlier than anyone else I've interacted with so far, and I appreciated it. He took the time to allow me to try on a few different pieces, and when I noted that I'd like to one day buy a version of the Day Date that I didn't know was highly sought after, encouraged me to add that to my profile now so when I'm ready for that purchase down the line they can see a long history.

Other shops I've been to seemed bothered if I asked to put my name in their database for something, so while I know this isn't a groundbreaking interaction, it was just far more pleasant than I was used to.
it's always nice to be treated with curtesy and respect. that being said, I bet they 1m people asking for a pepsi and I don't see anything happening unless you get started on that DD40. But good luck
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