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Old 12 April 2024, 08:25 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by 330ci View Post
I genuinely hope all of them are resting peacefully. With the exception of Putin as he's still here. Not to say I didn't have a morbid curiosity surrounding some of them. I thought Bin Ladens Burial at sea was fitting so his burial site wasn't turned into a shrine. I watched Husseins execution from that grainy cell phone video, I saw Gaddafi get stabbed to death. I didn't wish ill on them though, I just was curious what people truely saw as justice.

None of it seemed fitting to the extent of their brutality if I were being honest though. The worst torture couldn't make up for a lifetime of terror. Their suffering was ended in moments. Do they deserve an eternity of suffering? Maybe, that isn't for me to judge. And given I'm not qualified to make such judgements, I wish them the best. If worse is to come, that's on them.

What difference would OJ being found guilty make in the grand scheme of things? He probably would've done 10 years given his level of defense even if found guilty.

if you want to go down the route of political leaders being held accountable, there were historically worse whose bloodlines reach far and wide to this modern day, and I wish them all well in their afterlife while being grateful I wasn't alive to experience their atrocities on mankind.

The US military killed between 280,000-310,000 civilians in the Iraqi conflict alone. That's genocide cloaked by war. If I were to devote my energy towards a cause, its going to be one thats actionable, and people can be held accountable.

Would I use OJ as an example of a model citizen? No. Did he have some issues? Seems like it. Is there anything he can do to change it now? No.

How does having contempt for the dead serve me and my higher purpose?

It doesn't, so I don't waste energy on it. Evil exists, the world isn't perfect. We all have skeletons in our closet, OJs might've been real. I just don't see his story worthy of all the energy it receives. I honestly know very little about it though beyond the fact that everyone seems to believe OJ did it and he was acquitted.

So to answer your question when is it "tactless" to talk ill off the dead? Always as best I can tell.

Talking crap about a dead guy makes no difference in the world.

Whens the last time you donated to a women's shelter? Fought to change the judicial process? I mean if it was so abhorrent what his lawyers did, why isn't anyone arguing to change the system here?
Donate to any human trafficking organizations recently? Women are bought, sold and sex trafficked every day meanwhile yall are still caught up on some crap this guy did before I was born.

It's rather comical to me. Guys gone and still living in your head rent free

The fact that you're throwing names like Hitler, Stallin and Bin Laden amongst the Ranks of OJ just shows how overexemplified his actions are. I'm sure I could find 20 more rich dudes who murdered their spouse and got away with it in a quick Google search. It really baffles me why everyone is so obsessed with this story and think the guy his the face of evil.

Pretty sure the US Taxpayer is currently funding Casey Anthony in the witness protection program if you really want to go on a witch hunt

Lot's of words to say you don't let things like this affect you.
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