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Old 24 April 2024, 11:30 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by superdog View Post
Last night I got a text message at about 9:00. Just as I am falling asleep.

Them: Hi. I have you as a contact in my phone. Do you remember me?

Me: No.

Them: I am Emily. Aren't you my friend Katrina?

Me: No.

Them: Here is a picture of me. Are you sure you don't remember me?

Me: No. I am not interested. Good luck.

Them: Are you racist. I have no friends. I am simply looking for friends, but everyone is racist. Are you one of them too. Won't you be my friend?

At this point I was asleep. I woke up this am, saw that last message and blocked the number.

I will be honest. If I were older, and super annoyed at all the marketing, I would simply log off of the internet and smart devices. As it is now, I need it less and less. I also enjoy it less and less. If it were not for business purposes and to keep in touch with friends, I would debate it even at the not so young age of 50.

This was more fishing than marketing. But I think the message here is still the same.
Well had two phone calls on my landline this morning both trying to sell something blocked both phone numbers via BT its beyond a joke some days and they can be a bloody nuisance. And a few years back now when I was just 74 years old wasting a bit of time I decided to try this Facebook stuff as interested in the art of Bonsai. I came across a post which I know will make any regular people with a brain, which is sadly lacking today, as many have lost the power of using it. Someone had bought a little bottle of Bonsai Focus fertiliser, they then took the trouble to add many photographs of it and post it on Facebook with a caption along the lines can anyone advise me what to do with this and how to use it?’ After I got past the obvious answer I had to go outside and take a breath say to myself god give me strength, I could not decide whether to go blind, in the end I walked away from the likes of so called social media for good. I thought to myself the most polite answer I could give was read the label. Did I miss something?. And its the last time I will use any sort of so called social media sites like this,

ICom Pro3

All posts are my own opinion and my opinion only.

"The clock of life is wound but once, and no man has the power to tell just when the hands will stop. Now is the only time you actually own the time, Place no faith in time, for the clock may soon be still for ever."
Good Judgement comes from experience,experience comes from Bad Judgement,.Buy quality, cry once; buy cheap, cry again and again.

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