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Old 30 April 2024, 11:06 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by enjoythemusic View Post
Has any of your family members, or yourself, or a friend suffered from such mental / emotional issues when life does not go as planned? This was generally something we experienced as very very young children, yet now we may see it within much older people in their teens and 20s.
Good question.
To answer that, out of the 8 offspring of my group of close friends from when we were at school at about age 7 or 8. I understand that there are 2 which are having difficulties.
One I can understand due to extended family dynamics on both her mother and fathers side which may contribute to her instability on one level or another. She has a younger sister that is a high achiever academically and I think she is OK by virtue of the fact that she is on the spectrum, which may have insulated her from negative influences.

The other example is a lad that is an only child who also excelled at school with being due of the school and seems normal enough at face value.
All I know is very limited amounts his father has shared with me in absolute strictest of confidence.
That lad has done so well at school and now university that he possibly can't make up his mind as to what career path to take as it's changed so often I can't keep up with it.
He literally has too many options.
Another element adding to his issues may be that his mother and father have definitely been helicopter parents all along, with his mother taking the lead by a good margin.
She has even stated that if the lad were to marry, that "they would definitely move to where ever her son and his wife were living to be close to him, no matter where in the world his career may take him".
One thing is for certain. His mother will have sway as to what ever direction he will go career wise and probably even who he will marry the way it's shaping up.
But it won't change the fact that he's deeply troubled according to his father and it started at high school.

Another is my wife's niece who had a job offer/schollarship or something at NASA from straight out of high school. She threw it all away for some reason that nobody in that side of the family either fully knows about or will ever openly discuss or acknowledge.
She lives a very modest existence and is seemingly troubled.
My wife and I think something has happened with her at high school.

Make of all that what you will.
Feel free to share your own stories.
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