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Old 1 May 2024, 06:45 PM   #156
"TRF" Member
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Posts: 628
Originally Posted by Driver8 View Post
Not sure of the need to be patronising to the OP and others there, but let's just remember that this is a watch forum and by its very nature it's all about discussing a topic (i.e. reasonably expensive mechanical watches) that is utterly inconsequential in the grand scheme of life. So whether it's back-slapping how amazing Rolex is and how they can do nothing wrong at one end, or talking about occasions where they aren't quite so amazing at the other, it's all just as valid, and simultaneously as utterly irrelevant, as each other.

If you don't care about accuracy, then that's great. But when people do care about it, it doesn't mean they "aren't equipped to deal with life". It just means they've read the Rolex marketing spiel and would kind of like their tens-of-thousands-of-pound watches to perform as expected.
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