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Old 4 May 2024, 10:32 AM   #23
2024 Pledge Member
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: NY
Watch: Voutilainen (2030)
Posts: 652
Originally Posted by Gebbeth View Post
Just my 2 cents but does anyone buy Biver? That just seems a bridge too far with awful timing to boot. When I think of Biver, I see a marketer....not a designer or a watchmaker, so I don't get the appeal. Not a fan of their initial watch designs either. Rather pedestrian...and the Biver logo is so prominent that it scream EGO TRIP, and it's kinda off-putting.

I’m not a fan of the Biver watches at all. They just don’t speak to me at all and with unlimited funds I wouldn’t consider owning one. But there seems to be enough fans with enough money to keep the brand going for now.

As for DeBethune.......I've tried to like their designs. I try to give it the benefit of the doubt. I listen to Tim Mosso's endless, ceaseless, unflinching, drum beat of praise.....AND.....I'm still not convinced. I just....can' I've just come to the conclusion that for me, they are the creations of a design aesthetics department too caught up with themselves to be really honest about what these design actually look like in the end. AND, they are hideously expensive...unreasonably so. Again, just my opinion.

AND, no one is going to make me think otherwise that their Star Trek baseplate designs look tacky.

And the Digitale that Mosso loves so much. My god. It's is eye-buring ugly. I just don't get it. It's just......objectively, it's ugly has hell.

Sorry, got to get that out.

So if they are struggling.....I mean.....NOT SURPRISED!
I really like DB, but I’ll be the first to admit not all their design choices are winners. A lot of their watches are still frustratingly oversized and I agree the prices don’t make any sense.

But still…I like the brand. I like that watches like this exist.

As I’ve annoyingly commented elsewhere numerous times, I am a giant fan of the the newly announced DB28XS Purple Rain. If I was able to make that purchase happen, I would’ve.

But yea, I get your criticisms.
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