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Old 14 September 2005, 12:04 PM   #23
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Okay baldie here goes my take on the situation.

You are going to end up with the EXP II, no doubt in my mind, you lost at least $500 when you walked out the door.That is the history of Omega watches, they just lose their value quickly. You will not get this chance again, so take it now and go.

Crawl to Zemina and tell her you have seen the err of your ways and that you will apologize to all of your friends here for all the "bright" pics.

Then send Ed a check to cover part of his therapy bills from his fear of orange.

I really think you have a chance for a great deal here JJ, you asked our thoughts, and my thoughts are just what I said, sell and buy.

May the force be with you.
You either get it or you don't, if you have to ask, YOU DON'T!!

I really hope that midget cop doesn't find me in Kokomo.
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