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Old 24 September 2009, 05:27 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by moby33 View Post
While I love my DS...there's a part of me that kind of wishes I had a smaller wrist/arm. The DS on my arm looks identical proportional-wise to how a Sub/GMT looks on a lot of my friends w/ smaller arms.

It would be cool to sport a Sub and not have it look like a mid-sized/ladies watch...yet somehow that's always how it comes across on me. When my wife first saw me in my first Rolex purchase years ago (a SD4000) her instant remark was, "It looks too small on your wrist."

Funny...but guys with smaller wrists always seem to be wishing for larger wrists so they can pull off wearing larger watches yet I've found the same thing when dealing w/ a larger wrist. I can't tell you how many watches I've seen pictures of that look amazing on people's wrists...yet sure enough once it goes on my arm it just looks too small. I guess the grass will always be greener!
Lol! Interesting perspective. I'm happy that the current size Rolexes look okay on my slender wrists. If they decide to go big across the board, I'll probably find myself sticking to the older styles.

FWIW, JJ has pretty big wrists and I don't think his Sub looks disproportionatley small. It's still a substantial watch, so maybe you can pull it off after all.
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