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Old 11 November 2009, 02:11 AM   #19
Join Date: Dec 2008
Real Name: Ian
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Originally Posted by 2th DR View Post
Not to highjack this thread (like SOME people do! ) but, I know for a fact Louis Vuitton, Channel, and others have been doing it for years. The materials are shipped to China, the bags are made, shipped back to France, and the labels, which ARE made in France, are put on. That's how they can say "Made in France" because the LABELS actually WERE made in France.
This just seems to happen so much now sadly. Some of the worst offenders are the designer brands, still jack their prices up but manufacture in the far east for much cheaper labour and materials.

I grew up not far from the old Clarks shoe factory in Street, Somerset. A pair of clarks shoes made there were quality products, thick, soft leather, they would last decades if treated well.

Now most clarks are made in China with inferior leather and standards of manufacture but increased prices. I purchased a pair a few years ago. The leather was no where near the same quality and within a year the inside of the heel had worn away and the sole was shot!

What a shame. It is sad to hear about Cross, my late mum used their products all the time because of the quality.
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