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Old 23 December 2009, 08:47 AM   #2
"TRF" Member
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Real Name: Colin Leask.
Location: Scotland, UK.
Watch: 118238 YG DD.
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Hello Phelix.

I have recently been through this same process.

I bought a GMTc to add to my humble collection but that pushed the insured worth over a certain value.

Due to this, my insurance company (RSA) decided that the watches had to be taken to the nearest Rolex dealer and valued.

The values given in the written report (also containing photos taken by the A/D) are all for the current replacement value of the nearest applicable watch.

I insure my watches as part of my House insurance, so I am unable to pass comment on who to use to just insure watches.

Certain companies may impose stipulations ie alarm systems, window locks, 5 or 7 point door locks, safes, cctv, etc.

RSA (Royal Sun-hill Alliance) are charging me £22 per month for a safe full of watches worth over 35K and that is with me complying to all the above security requirements.

Good luck and please let us know who you go to and what kind of deal you are getting.

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