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Old 24 December 2009, 06:26 AM   #108
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by Nicko View Post
Can we revisit the rules for selling here on TRF? Maybe require the seller to become a Pledge Member so we have his/her info or something. I mean, this is awful. I understand it's buyer beware but if we can prevent this from happening again then maybe we should. We have a Sub for sale right now from a member with 17 posts! Am I saying he's crooked, no, but I wouldn't buy from him. Come on, let's stop this stuff!
Agree 110% with you , TRF is once again the victim of its own success : We have all read the rules and legally TRF cannot and should not be held responsible . They surely did what they could have done in this case , I presume Steve asked for more info because he must have smelt a rat .
Now I,m all for that TRF asks for more info and have means of verification of the seller ID . I have seen what my wife went through with Paypal once she hit the 1500 euro volume (we are talking 12K usd here ), her account was frozen for about a week , she had to sent photocopies of her ID , drivers license , phone bills , electric bills ,bank statements and all that after they have taken your CC and got it confirmed with the paypal 4 digit code . I mean I don't recall providing that much info to my bank to get a 400.000 euro mortgage .
Maybe the Mod's should indeed impose a payment that is linked to a CC or bank account and have them provide a matching ID .
I really feel for the man , if I can help in any way I'd be more then pleased . Hope someone gets hold of this mega bast... and beats the shit out of him before and after he has returned the goodies .
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