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Old 22 February 2010, 03:58 AM   #13
Join Date: Feb 2010
Real Name: J.
Location: Montreal
Watch: Speedmaster Pro
Posts: 232
If you don't feel like getting the tool set, I have a trick I learned a while ago to open any screw back without leaving a mark.

Gorilla Tape.

Wipe the case thoroughly to get rid of the grease from your arms. Take a strip of tape and roll it into a sausage. Firmly press it onto the centre of the case back and grab on tight. I usually hold the watch in my hand with a soft cloth and twist while pressing down firmly. It will open up a lot easier than you think most of the time - the only time it doesn't work is if some overzealous person previously overtightened it, then you need to break out the tools. It also works to close it very firmly, but of course you will want to have it checked by a watchsmith for water seal if you actually subject your watch to water.

The advantage is a roll of Gorilla Tape costs 8$ and can be found anywhere, and it won't leave a mark on your watch. I use this technique when opening vintage watches to verify the movements and numbers.
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