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Old 15 March 2010, 10:02 AM   #14
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Thanks Shangas for the list of shops in Mellbourne.
Classy Papiere is like 5 minutes from my place. They have a good collection of papers but sadly no pens. I have tried to visit Pen Place at Queen St but they only open M-F...

I've bought from Tafts, Pen City and Pepe's Paperie. Good B&M shops and great advice, however, they don't discount.

I was in one of these shops over the weekend for a Lamy Pico blue ballpen. I was quoted A$120. I bought one in London for 25 pounds and can find new ones in ebay for like USD40-45 easily.
I mean, I would want to support local sellers, but I don't like to be taken for a ride.

I'll check out Peter's site. We had a good discussion on vintage pens during last year's Melbourne Pen show.

As for buying pens online, I've had very good experience with:
Pentime -

and a few traders in FPN. Ebay is hit and miss most of the times but I have found a couple of trustworthy sellers too.
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