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Old 25 August 2010, 08:42 AM   #57
Join Date: Aug 2009
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No, the OP was simply trying to stop something before it happened, in other words he was attempting to save yours and everyone's arse. Taking into consideration what had been going on lately, he was simply trying to stop any members from a potential fraudulent deal. I am not taking sides, I was drug into this because of geography. Tristan asked me to help him out and post his email, and I did. SteveO called me this afternoon asking if I knew anything of Tristan and I spoke with him about that. IMO, I believe this is nothing more than a simple misunderstanding, Tristan, for what I know of him is a good guy. When I spoke to him today in the phone he was very upset about the entire ordeal, that plus he has the unfortunate task of dealing with a dying family member. I do know what to think at this point, I just hope it is solved, and solved quickly.

Originally Posted by scarhead View Post
I am "relatively" new here to TRF having been posting only since the latter part of April and early May, so I don't know the specifics concerning relationships amongst members.

This thread intrigues me and obviously many others. Normally, I don't get involved in other's business, but by posting this the OP has invited us to be curious.

In other words, WTF is going on??

More information please.
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