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Old 19 December 2010, 12:12 AM   #98
"TRF" Member
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I want to THANK YOU for posting this warning and notifying other members. After checking info presented/available, it is 150% clear who's on the right side of this.

Also wanted to apologize for some of the members' skepticism and caution. You had a rough welcome to this forum, to say the least - and I truly appreciate you weathering the negative remarks and sticking to it. You have done us a great service by outing a scoundrel. Thank You. I, for one, would love it if you choose to stick around and maybe visit less hostile waters in the 'Open Discussion' section.

Lastly, cannot help but to express disappointment with some of the members here. Picking out spelling errors when much more important matters are at hand? Looking for ulterior motive for the first post even AFTER it became mostly clear which party is the 'good guy'? I suggest you guys ease up - when someone is doing a service to us, we need to be more appreciative. In some cases when empty accusations are made, this sort of skeptical response is warranted - but we cannot grade everyone by the same curve.
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“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.” - Hunter S. Thompson
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