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Old 29 March 2011, 07:11 AM   #26
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: New England
Posts: 20
Originally Posted by jblaze View Post
I'm sure I'm paranoid, but is there a way (besides opening up the caseback) to tell one of these fakes from a real Rolex? I was comforted by the laser crown and ROLEX ROLEX ROLEX, but not I'm (slightly) concerned. Thanks!
Can you actually see the etched coronet without close examination - i.e. when it's on your wrist can you -clearly- see the crown? You shouldn't be able to.

Does the RolexRolexRolex line up correctly? The coronet should be directly above the 12 marker. Directly next to the date an X should perfectly align. Next to the 9 marker an R should also line up perfectly.

Also, what serial number is etched there at 6? Go back to your replica site. Does the number match? Oops, Many replicas have the same serial number.
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