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Old 8 July 2007, 12:43 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by pinwit View Post
How extraordinarily rude you are.

If you wish to terminate my membership, then do so. However, taking the ball away when your losing the game will do you no credit.

As this moderator has clearly lost the plot, maybe the other moderators might like to comment.
Losing the game? You asked for reasoned argument, I provided it by the accepted rules of logic, and you decide to run off trying to hide behind a smoke screen of unfounded conclusions, and I'm the one losing the game? You're in enough denial and projection to make Freud's head spin.

It's very convenient for you to just say that I'm rude and then sidestep the issues I've hauled you up on. In my last post on this thread, I clearly asked you to substantiate three points, and all you've done about that is get all teary about being identified as a hypocrite. You asked for reasoned argument, you got it, and now you're throwing your toys out of the pram instead of substantiating your wild claims. I do wonder if that action is driven by your being a pathological hand-wringer, or your cowardice overcoming your motivation to either address the issues or admit that you're wrong.

It's fairly simple for anyone with half a brain. I've already explicitly explained the rules of logic of which you seem blissfully unaware despite your pontification. It's all there for you to use and engage in the reasoned argument that you so pine for. Do please grow up and mean what you say.

Seeing as how you aksed for reasoned argument and then singularly failed to play by the very rules you demanded, you are by defintion a hypocrite. Don't take my word for it, look up hypocrite in the dictionary and go argue with that book - you'll lose that one too.

You may take it as rude, and frankly that's none of my concern. I'm simply pointing it out as fact.

Your cheap little tactic of divide-and-conquer may work elsewhere, but not here. The moderation team here is well-integrated and as part of our normal procedures, we had already discussed the situation in this thread yesterday and reached agreement that I have taken the correct course of action - you're clean out of luck trying to run to Mommy when Daddy already told you no.

If you don't like it here, I trust you can find your way to the door. As yet you have not broken enough rules to justify a banning, and it's not really worth the bother for me.
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