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Old 2 June 2011, 01:10 PM   #19
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Melb - Australia
Posts: 2,959
paypal is poo poo

like I said in my previous posts

1. sold laptop... buyer used it for 30 days then claim that it wasn't as described.... I lost the case and got the laptop back...
2. Sold a HTC smart phone... buyer bought it and then claimed it was a fake HTC... (I swore to my grand parents grave that it was a real HTC...) anyway, if fake BUYER can destroy it and get full refund... I lost the case and never got the phone back plus loss my money

never Ever paypal... if IF PAYPAL don't post till money in your bank account and in your listing TICK NO RETURN

Paypal is a bunch of basterds
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