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Old 22 June 2011, 04:24 AM   #47
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Posts: 419
Originally Posted by Submarino View Post
First of all you are using a pretty harsh tone by saying: "no-one on this forum can comment on how this magazine operates...". To your surprise I actually know Jack personally and have been working in advertising & strategic media planning for 17+ years. As a matter of fact I used to do all the media planning and buying for Rolex a few years ago and their strategy goes well beyond mere 'brand awareness'.

You clearly state: "For example, why would they market themselves in a specialist watch magazine where the type of people who read it already know Rolex inside out. Rolex have conquered those people - read the book, got the t-shirt. On to other publications and media platforms with new a new set of demograpics to reach out to".

I then wonder why Rolex still advertises on WatchTime and other watch related pubs?

Just some food for thought!!!


There is no 'tone' as these are not spoken words - just dialogue in writing. It wasn't meant to be harsh so apologies if it appeared that way, I guess this is the problematic side of anything message-wise.

Come on though, if you wish to quote me then do so but make sure you read the message in full. You have written half of that sentence, so I'll finish the rest of it for you; "Not unless you work there personally and know the editor well enough to have that conversation".

If you know 'Jack', then great - This doesn't apply to you.

So we've established from your initial response to this thread that you are an 'advertising professional', and your second response states that you have been in media-planning for 17+ years.

Are you explaining this because you want to simply tell us about your job? If so, congrats! If it's because you have taken offence to my response and feel compelled to justify yourself, don't worry about it - genuinely no offence meant, sorry!

I won't give you a run-down of my career history in advertising, as impressive as I feel it is.

In terms of why they are currently in other publications... I don't work for Rolex's marketing department so I can't give you a definitive answer I'm afraid. Speculating though, pehaps they want to keep themselves active in the market through just a couple of publications, rather than everything, who knows.
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