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Old 28 July 2011, 04:51 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by Captain Kirkwood View Post
Sorry for any confusion caused by my earlier post. After reading (not skimming) the Omega press releases, I'm pretty sure the salesman and I just did not know what we were looking at and that those were the "matt black ceramic" bezels. Strange that he said the ceramic versions would be coming later, but I'll leave that alone.

As mentioned, I'm not very impressed with the bezels. But I don't want to only focus on the negative. I think the layout of the new chrono is a huge improvement over the previous PO chrono. On the previous version, I hate the date between 4 and 5 and I never liked the Speedmaster layout with the registers at 3, 6, and 9. I much preferred the layout on the SMP chrono with the date at 3 and the registers at 6, 9, and 12. I'm also a firm believer in the Chuck Maddox philosophy that a chronograph should have not less than 3 registers. In this case, I think the layout with the date at 6 and the registers at 3 and 9 looks very clean and works very nicely. And the fact that one of the registers performs the functions that would typically be take up two registers, the 3 register requirement is satisfied for me.

The watches were also very pleasing aesthetically (except for the dull grey bezels). The new style matte dial is quite pleasing and the finishing is top notch. If I had not been hoping to see with LM and a lacquered dial, my initial reaction probably would have been much more positive.
I laughed when I read that point in your earlier post...all I could think was, "Gotta love salesmen that just can't say, 'I don't know?'" Obviously there is no way Omega is going to make an aluminum insert for the new 9300 chrono only to put a ceramic bezel in a few months later (especially considering they NEVER published any verbiage to the public other than the new black bezel on the 9300's will be ceramic).

I did find your negative review of the matte ceramic bezel interesting. I for one was very excited to see it (and still am) and figured it would be kind of cool. I really want a 9300 and LOVE the fact that the PO now has a ceramic bezel. As a DSSD & SubC owner I can attest to the strength of the bezels as I've had multiple encounters when I slammed the heck out of those bezels that I guarantee would have scratched my old aluminum inserts of my previously owned Subs.

Aside from the fact they the black PO is ceramic, I thought it would be cool to be matte. Since the Rolex ceramic bezels obviously are so glossy, I figured a matte ceramic would be killer in that it changes up the look of the collection even more. But it sounds like the 'in person' viewing leaves a lot to be desired. I'm hoping this won't be a deal breaker for me when I eventually check one out in person.
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